Furnace Cleaning – Bolton CT

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Furnace Cleaning – Bolton CT

Charter Oak Mechanical would like to remind you to  schedule your annual furnace cleaning early.  No matter how old your heating system is, Connecticut winters put a big demand on the furnace.  There is always some type of residue to clean and your switch and other mechanical parts should be inspected as well. Components can fail at any time. It\’s important to have a technician from Charter Oak Mechanical prepare your Bolton CT furnace for the next heating season. The best time for preventive maintenance is when there is little demand on your heating system, in the warmer months. Charter Oak Mechanical gets your furnace or alternative heating system up to snuff for a smooth transition of the season. This fall you can spend your time enjoying the weather not stressing household maintenance. Keeping your heating system in tip top condition is always in season. We serve the Manchester CT general area. Manchester CT, Rocky Hill CT, Glastonbury CT and all surrounding towns. Call Charter Oak Mechanical at 860-432-8915.

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