If you have been searching for a reliable company to perform heating system maintenance in Ellington CT, contact Charter Oak Mechanical. Our experts provide comprehensive furnace cleaning and maintenance services for both homes and businesses across the state of Connecticut.
Charter Oak Mechanical provides clients with not only heating system maintenance, but also with the resources and tools needed to effectively understand the needs of their system. At Charter Oak Mechanical, our experts service all furnace varieties, including the newest in gas and oil burning models. No matter if your system is old or new, our professionals can assess and service all heating system types.
What is most important is that furnaces are serviced; a potential health and safety hazard is the build-up of combustion products. Carbon monoxide is the most serious and deadly consequence of deferred furnace maintenance. This colorless, odorless gas is the silent killer. Protect yourself, your family, and your employees by calling Charter Oak Mechanical today.
In addition to the potential health hazards posed by neglecting your furnace, dirty furnaces often lead homeowners to pay more for their home heating oil. How does this happen? Well, during the late spring and summer when your furnace is sitting mostly idle, the dirt, dust, and grime that accumulates makes it more difficult for the system to pump the air. This results in your furnace having to work harder than normal and may potentially lead to critical failure at the most inopportune time.
Call Charter Oak Mechanical today to be proactive in your heating system maintenance. Our technicians have the certifications and knowledge necessary to tackle any and all home heating emergencies. The Charter Oak Mechanical crew of professionals can handle almost any furnace repair and maintenance issue that could surface. Call us today at 860-432-8915 to schedule your home or business heating system maintenance.
Heating System Maintenance | Ellington CT | Charter Oak Mechanical